Friday, April 11, 2008

What the H-E-double-hockey-sticks is that!?!

Now to recount the bug incident of last night... Becca, Sara, and I were sitting on the couches, when Sara lets out a scream as she sees this gnarly bug crawl across the carpet... 
So what the H is it? That my friends, is a house centipede. Pretty sick, huh. Having seen and interacted with these babies a few times (notice the picture of me in action), I stayed pretty calm. I didn't even want to get up off the couch to kill it, I was fine just letting it crawl under the couch.

But if you know anything about my roommates' previous experiences with bugs, you'll know that sitting there isn't an option (Part 1 and Part 2).  People start hyperventilating and reaching record decibel levels. So, Becca took action. She moved the couch out of the way and handed Sara a shoe. But Sara could not complete the execution. I stepped in, squashed the beast, and she cleaned up the guts. All in all, it was a successful extermination. 

1 comment:

[Anna] said...

Good job dealing with the bug. And welcome to the world wide web - blogger buddy!