Friday, April 11, 2008

What the H-E-double-hockey-sticks is that!?!

Now to recount the bug incident of last night... Becca, Sara, and I were sitting on the couches, when Sara lets out a scream as she sees this gnarly bug crawl across the carpet... 
So what the H is it? That my friends, is a house centipede. Pretty sick, huh. Having seen and interacted with these babies a few times (notice the picture of me in action), I stayed pretty calm. I didn't even want to get up off the couch to kill it, I was fine just letting it crawl under the couch.

But if you know anything about my roommates' previous experiences with bugs, you'll know that sitting there isn't an option (Part 1 and Part 2).  People start hyperventilating and reaching record decibel levels. So, Becca took action. She moved the couch out of the way and handed Sara a shoe. But Sara could not complete the execution. I stepped in, squashed the beast, and she cleaned up the guts. All in all, it was a successful extermination. 

So, I'm blogging....

I've never really considered creating my own blog and forming routine blogging habits, but here I am. Why now? One of my art professors and advisors suggested (among many many other important marketing tools) that we create blogs to build a network, show our art, and--well--just write. This blog won't be entirely art stuff (but there will be lots of it), but that's what got me thinking seriously about creating one. It also conveniently happened that I found two of my roommates checking out people's blogs when I got home tonight. 

So, here I am...Laying on the couch at 12:35, watching reruns of Law & Order: SVU, and entering a mediocre post. Oh yeah, and facebooking... 

I was going to post some ridiculous story about the bug incident that occurred this evening... but I can't find some very important reference videos. It'll just have to wait until the next time. Til then, think about this juicy detail for a minute... 

"...when fully grown, is one to two inches long and has an average of 15 pairs of very long, delicate legs and a rigid body, which enables it to run with surprising speed up walls and along ceilings and floors...their alarming appearance, frightening speed, and painful bite..." be continued...